l0ve iS s0 c0mpLicAted... `sHar0n's dReamLand*

`sHar0n's dReamLand*

//+ princess.sHar0n +//
//+ 20.aUgUst.1985 +//
//+ le0 +//

Location: Kingdom of Ron, British Virgin Islands

I can eat like a pig... totally dun look like one... can sleep like a pig too... but gladfully still dun look like one... i loves company, loves excitement n fun, and likes to live a life as interesting as it can be... Nobody tells mi wat to do and i really hates people to nag at mi... loves to eat but cant cook for nuts... latest dream...to live in luxuary! I think the greatest thing in this world is to love and be love in return!

January 2005
February 2005
April 2005
May 2005
July 2005
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Like wat i say the other time, our 1 month is coming... 3rd of Feb... hehe... 1 month is a long time for me... haha, so its time to celebrate!!

He say he got something planned, and well... for once, i believe him la... haha... but actually i got something i wan to do on that day too!! i wan go Genting!! but if we are going, i am afraid that its a bit late to book...

Just hope that can go lo... if not, then we'll go on Valentine Day instead... actually tat sounds better... cos its a weekend, and then on 3rd feb can go facial leh... haha.... good plan huh?

but thinking back, maybe going on the 3rd is better leh... haha... cant make up my mind...

Well, hope this time really can go, cos last time i wan go with my bf, but failed... sigh... hope this time it will be different...


11:31 am

Monday, January 24, 2005

Sian ah....
its my term break now... a whole 2 weeks... but still have to rush my Advertising project. and its SPSS!! in case you dunno wat that is, its the most irritating software to me, to enter data from surveys, then to analysis it... it should be a great help, but i forgot how to use it, and its giving mi a big headache now...

Then recently, life's just a little bored... dun be mistaken, nun jun... I'm not really blaming you... but its just tat its not much fun recently... and the only thing i can look forward to, is our little business thing... so dun disappoint mi....

its sometimes so boring that i miss the times whereby we have the whole group of friends out for a movie or wat together... thinking back, its been so many months since we had that... i wonder why... :(
i think i nv see them since the chalet le... except for Abel and Yuan Da...

Really hope Yuan Da leg can recover soon... maybe can go movies or wat together again... haha...

this friday, i die die also wan go play ball... its been more than 1 month!! think i still can play well? haha... but i am not too worried... think 1 month wun affect so much de la... haha...

gotta go rest a while now.... hungry too... :(


11:14 am

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

today is recalling day!! haha...

Few days din update le... maybe cos I was afraid... cos everytimethings went well... I'm afraid that putting it down on words will somehow make it too real... and I'm afraid that will disappear...

haha... Dunno why i'll think like that too... But its really true that I'm afraid that by putting it down in words I'll lose it... really hope not this time...

That day at his house, he told me he loves me... hehe...

Not once not twice... but repeated times, continously, close to my ear, suddenly when we were watching tv...

*blush* Wat a warm and sweet feeling... haha... I wonder how he felt like when saying it... I din reply the same back the... i dunno why... but i remember a few days lata... I told him the same too. just as suddenly too...

*blush* well, I hope we'll hear it from each other even in a millions years time... from now, to a billion million years...

*blush* 3rd of Feb and Valentine coming... hope to make both of us happy on tat day...


5:10 pm

Today, we had a long talk at PS there. Actually, he make mi very upset tat day, and tat day we were on the cab, and for the first time, i am so disappointed with him. Cos, when he saw mi being so upset, he din do anything... even till now, thinking bout it hurts...

We talk about wat went wrong, and wat we had mistaken about each of us... At first, it was hard to open up and listen to each other... and i keep thinking he's only trying to explain but not really listening to me.

We talk till so long, and so tired... one good thing is, we both calm down... or i should say i calm down a bit... And we went to shop and eat...

Haha... its so funny bout this part, cos we soon forgot why we were pissed with each other... and were enjoying the shopping and "crap talking" again... Most important, not only is it that i feel better, i sense him feel better too. And I'm glad...

That day, I bought so many undergarments... haha... so happy at night... and we are going to be better, i hope... hee...


4:53 pm

Thursday, January 13, 2005

on this day, I try to talk to him about it...

=*Fujiwara Takuya*=- -=*[Haizzz... Now Must Wait Till 26 Jan To Unbandage The Knee, Very Pain Sia...]*=- says:
oie what u doing now why so quite
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
lots of things to do at the same time...
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
when i piss off...
-=*Fujiwara Takuya*=- -=*[Haizzz... Now Must Wait Till 26 Jan To Unbandage The Knee, Very Pain Sia...]*=- says:
why suddenly so many thing to do
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
wat were u thinking?
-=*Fujiwara Takuya*=- -=*[Haizzz... Now Must Wait Till 26 Jan To Unbandage The Knee, Very Pain Sia...]*=- says:
i also dun no why every time make u so piss off
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
but wat goes on in ur head when i get angry/
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
-=*Fujiwara Takuya*=- -=*[Haizzz... Now Must Wait Till 26 Jan To Unbandage The Knee, Very Pain Sia...]*=- says:
huh?u ok for what
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
if its just making u frustrated...
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
then next time i try not to show le
-=*Fujiwara Takuya*=- -=*[Haizzz... Now Must Wait Till 26 Jan To Unbandage The Knee, Very Pain Sia...]*=- says:
i just think to make u not so piss off lor
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
-=*Fujiwara Takuya*=- -=*[Haizzz... Now Must Wait Till 26 Jan To Unbandage The Knee, Very Pain Sia...]*=- says:
so real 1 la but when u not belive me than i will be very piss off
-=*Fujiwara Takuya*=- -=*[Haizzz... Now Must Wait Till 26 Jan To Unbandage The Knee, Very Pain Sia...]*=- says:
sorry is real 1 dun have so
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
-=*Fujiwara Takuya*=- -=*[Haizzz... Now Must Wait Till 26 Jan To Unbandage The Knee, Very Pain Sia...]*=- says:
still dare to laught call me not to buff than still dun belive me...
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
u always take wat i scold u and turn it into reason...
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
if people dun believe mi i also will angry...
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
but if u are me... u will so easy trust tat person?
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
try to understand tat i amm human after all...
-=*Fujiwara Takuya*=- -=*[Haizzz... Now Must Wait Till 26 Jan To Unbandage The Knee, Very Pain Sia...]*=- says:
but i say all the thing is real 1 than u alway just say yays
-=*Fujiwara Takuya*=- -=*[Haizzz... Now Must Wait Till 26 Jan To Unbandage The Knee, Very Pain Sia...]*=- says:
if i am u i will belive la honesty
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
but can u understand my position? of feeling disappointed and sometime dun believe wat u say when it seems like another thing tat u sure wun do...
-=*Fujiwara Takuya*=- -=*[Haizzz... Now Must Wait Till 26 Jan To Unbandage The Knee, Very Pain Sia...]*=- says:
not i will not do is when i never say out than u tel me that than u think i will not do the thing...like just now i got plan to go to our wedsite but i never say out than u tel me than i say i i got plan to do but u dun belive me
-=*Fujiwara Takuya*=- -=*[Haizzz... Now Must Wait Till 26 Jan To Unbandage The Knee, Very Pain Sia...]*=- says:
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
can there be at least sometimes tat b4 i ask, i see u do the thing le?
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
tat will proves to mi everything...
-=*Fujiwara Takuya*=- -=*[Haizzz... Now Must Wait Till 26 Jan To Unbandage The Knee, Very Pain Sia...]*=- says:
but i chat with u at the phone what if i go see i cannot do two thing at the same time lei...later i never heard what u say than make u angry so i never go see first lor
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
ok la..
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
even if we continue to say also no use...
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
there will be a next time to see if u will auto go see wat i have write...
-=*Fujiwara Takuya*=- -=*[Haizzz... Now Must Wait Till 26 Jan To Unbandage The Knee, Very Pain Sia...]*=- says:
i also know u never see just now i dun want to say any more already
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
but u know why i care so much bout this thing?
-=*Fujiwara Takuya*=- -=*[Haizzz... Now Must Wait Till 26 Jan To Unbandage The Knee, Very Pain Sia...]*=- says:
i will autobut must see i can use the com a not what
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
to u its just a website...
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
but to mi, its likie if u care bout how i feel, then u will wan to see this diary or wat...

-=*Fujiwara Takuya*=- -=*[Haizzz... Now Must Wait Till 26 Jan To Unbandage The Knee, Very Pain Sia...]*=- says:
for me also not a wedsite what... i conform will see 1 if i can use the com what... of u got a sister like there than the com also is her want than if i call u to go see than u cannot go than i angry than u see how sad u can be...
-=*Fujiwara Takuya*=- -=*[Haizzz... Now Must Wait Till 26 Jan To Unbandage The Knee, Very Pain Sia...]*=- says:
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
but u shold know if its cos u cannot use, i wun blame u...
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
i AM not so bad lo...
-=*Fujiwara Takuya*=- -=*[Haizzz... Now Must Wait Till 26 Jan To Unbandage The Knee, Very Pain Sia...]*=- says:
nevemind la btw ok now already la
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
jus that got times can then dunno u will remember anot...
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
like i say, there will be a next time...
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
prove it to me lo...
-=*Fujiwara Takuya*=- -=*[Haizzz... Now Must Wait Till 26 Jan To Unbandage The Knee, Very Pain Sia...]*=- says:
i will remenber 1 la...
mY_w0rLd_r0cKz! AnD I weLc0me U~ says:
dun get it wrong, i only wan u to see if u urself really wan to see....

and the conversation continues...


5:18 am

Wat should I do?

I dunno why recently both of us gets frustrated so easily... or is it jus mi? but he really sounds frustrated when talking to mi, tats a fact...

Well, i try to tolerate sometimes when he did stupid stuff... telling myself maybe he really dun get it...etc. But B'cos i'm such a straight forward person, I just cant seem to hide it from him or anyone else, when i not happy...

i tot actually tat is a good thing, to be able to be honest between us, and solve any problems we might have. I always believe tat a couple will go through problems and conflicts in order to grow stronger of their feelings...

The question now is, can this we survive this period?


4:59 am

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Oh well. I haven been feeling good these few days...

I thought if things can stay the way it had been for that few days, when i feel happy and trust that this relationship to work, then it will be great. But appartently, things are not how i want it to be...

These few days, he has been giving mi attitude, and then not admitting it. Just now on the phone, he give mi the stupid attitude again. Making it sound like I am the one who always want to contact him. It's making me so frustrated!

when I call him while I was inn school cos he was supposed to come and meet mi, he answer the phone, with a "call mi for wat?(zhao wo zhou mo)?". Its like he not happy or wat, or like he not expecting my call. Next time he call mi i shall do the same to him man...

then its always me asking him tomorrow how? why? its like i am thinking of meeting him like usually, but he's thinking some other thing. if he's busy or dun wan meet mi, i will rather he say.

then in front of his frens, he have to make it sound like I cannot wait de... cos he said "you know she cannot wait de wat" to his frenz... make mi look like a idiot, and he nv think of wat others will think... wat others will think if we meet until so xin ku"...

today, he give mi attitude on phone again... next time i wun call him when i free la... i had thought that he will be happy to hear my call... but it's not so! i thought anyone should be happy to receive a call from their gf... but i sense nothing of happiness from him...

he gives me excuses of trying to learn how to plan for me, to make me happy last night when we argue... i wish that its true... but if its true, then why is there no change when we talk today? i am still upset...

alot of people may have misunderstand mi, but i need to know... its cos of wat?

anyway, seeing him now... i dunno how i will feel again... sigh...


4:02 am

Monday, January 10, 2005

After a few months, and i dunno how long or how short exactly... but we are finally together.

Nun jun and Sharon... Sharon and Nun Jun... haha... sounds quite nice... I set up this blog juz for us, our story (a short one actually), and everything that we go through together.

We become a couple on 3rd Jan this year. It was a deal tat we make with each other 2 months ago. If he manage to cut down weight, I'll accept him... But its dumb lah... I wun really do tat. But the thing is, during the 2 months things had changed. From maybe juz fooling around, and maybe not admitting what he feels for me, he suddenly let me know tat he likes mi, for real...

So i take my own time, to judge, and see what I'll feel for him. I told my gd frenz around me, but nobody knows who I should choose. Even I myself dunno for sure. All I know before I accept him, is that I already kind of like him. In fact, I told him once, and I cried for him before. But at some point of time, sometimes, I juz can't be sure if I like him. The feeling weaver...

On tat day, I dunno my answer still, so I told myself tat I will decide at the minute he ask me. I had decide to take things easy this time. Well, lucky for him... for me too, at tat moment I said "yes".

So, its been a few days... Although I can't its all smooth floating, but I'll give my best...

~~Dear, will you give your best too?~~


1:47 am