l0ve iS s0 c0mpLicAted... `sHar0n's dReamLand*

`sHar0n's dReamLand*

//+ princess.sHar0n +//
//+ 20.aUgUst.1985 +//
//+ le0 +//

Location: Kingdom of Ron, British Virgin Islands

I can eat like a pig... totally dun look like one... can sleep like a pig too... but gladfully still dun look like one... i loves company, loves excitement n fun, and likes to live a life as interesting as it can be... Nobody tells mi wat to do and i really hates people to nag at mi... loves to eat but cant cook for nuts... latest dream...to live in luxuary! I think the greatest thing in this world is to love and be love in return!

January 2005
February 2005
April 2005
May 2005
July 2005
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008

Friday, February 25, 2005

I feel so sorry for my blog... when i first start it, it's supposed to be a happy one... but now, it's got more sad stuff than happy ones... It's that how our relationship is anyway

I'm so tired of making effort... of talking bout our problems... of feeling so lousy... I keep thinking... is this relationship good for mi at all?

I wrote him a note yesterday in school... i was all alone, and it was during my radio program... and well, the emotions just all come to mi... i was so so sad... i keep thinking of how we were... how we used to be... and i wonder if we had lost it all... and i know from past experience, that if something is lost, its hard to gain it back...

In the note that i wrote him... i mention lots of things between us... everything actually... and i gave it to him that night... he din response after reading... and i wonder wat to think bout that? but well, he told mi to wait... for the next day... i wonder why... but i dun wan to force him anyway...

Actually, that note seems so much like a breakup letter... i wun be surprised if he take it as tat... i wun be at all... Perhaps we had our happy times... and it's already enough...

Actually... i am so unsure of things now... and i feel like there's nothing i can do now... it's so frustrating...

Not to mention bout my recent life... sigh... no more pplay time for mi... everytime, I'm rushing projects... rushing here and there... and the only entertainment I've got is Tv... it's so sad...

All the stress... I really wish that at this time, he'll be there cheering mi up... and encouraging mi... i really wish that we'll be like last time when we talk for ages on the phone happily... and go out happily... that's wat make mi like him... care for him... but where is that now?

I need a change... big time...


11:48 am

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

U know wat? i really really feel; like crushing him now.... I have done so much for him... things that are so important... Does he even realise? So wat if I receives gifts all the time? money is not the most important in a relationship! I cant even trust him now... He always go back on his words... gives mi all kinds of reasons... Dun even care about my feelings...

We have been together not more than 2 months... and he's treating mi like tat... lying to mi... its the most unforgivable thing... It makes mi feel so hurt... so painful...

All these make mi think... Is he still worthy of my love? Do i still wan to be with this guy?

I really dunno... A breakup is always painful... and its the last thing tat i wan... but when things are already at this extent... where i think he has make his frenz all think i am unreasonable... where i think he's a lying jerk... where we argue everyday... where talking to other frenz bring mi more joy? Do u think there will still be a way to mend things?

Yesterday, we had a big arguement... i juz cant forget how he make mi so sad yesterday... it start with him lying to mi about nt playing ball... then actually playing and i have to call abel to find out... it may sounds like no big deal... but i was at home... not knowing wats happening over him there... and i hate liers... somemore he's my bf! it was nothing to hide from mi... he could have tell mi honesty to meet later.... he din even reply my sms...

and we talk and talk and talk... he told me the reason he wanted to accompany them for that day was because of me... he dun wan them to feel that i so bad always dun let him go play... but u know wat? i have nv not allow him to go... never... its always his discision to meet mi... he says it himself yesterday too... so i dun understand why is it any of my fault? but anywaqy, since he managed to give mi such a sweet reason... i cant do anything except to believe him for once... he also say that after yesterday, he can come meet mi on time... cos he wun have to accompany them already... So he make it sound like everything was done for my sake...

wat a snake he is.... cos today... he did the same thing again... he nv told mi tat his school end late today... which result in mi skipping school for him... i din wan him to wait... it will be 5 hrs for him to wait if i went school... but ended up, he told mi he can only meet mi at 3.45... meaning i have to wait 3 hours and 45 min... do u think its possible? then i askk him to take cab... i'll pay first... and when i sms him while he was in school... he dun wan to sms mi... says he was busy... haha... i doubt it... last time, no matter how busy he can still sms... nvm... i say its ok... so he says will sms mi when he finishes school to let mi know... then ended up? he went to play bball again... wat happens to the things and reasons he had said yesterday? all bull shit... and i had to call and call and call to look for him... not knowing where he went again... ended up, i had to call abel again... i din wan to bother people also... tats not my style... but he always left mi with no choice... and tat juz prove that he's lying again...

if in juz 2 days i have found out how much he can lie... then how much exactly had he lied to mi? how many things am i kept in the dark?

Now, wat can i do? he's already a part of my life... do i wan a breakup? but things are so bad... do i wan to continue?


2:57 pm