l0ve iS s0 c0mpLicAted... `sHar0n's dReamLand*

`sHar0n's dReamLand*

//+ princess.sHar0n +//
//+ 20.aUgUst.1985 +//
//+ le0 +//

Location: Kingdom of Ron, British Virgin Islands

I can eat like a pig... totally dun look like one... can sleep like a pig too... but gladfully still dun look like one... i loves company, loves excitement n fun, and likes to live a life as interesting as it can be... Nobody tells mi wat to do and i really hates people to nag at mi... loves to eat but cant cook for nuts... latest dream...to live in luxuary! I think the greatest thing in this world is to love and be love in return!

January 2005
February 2005
April 2005
May 2005
July 2005
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Once upon a time... 2 of us were silly little kids... in love yet don't know how to love...

2 yrs 9 mths later...

I realised so many things that I have done and reacted to are silly... And I realised how much I care about our things at that time... :) Boy do I love him.... Lots n lots...

I had been so bad, so not understanding... Sorry! my dear dear...

Really hope now you still love me as much... or even more... Haha... we can go back to last time tat passion and emotions, but this time with a lot more understanding.... I believe we can...

Fairy tale always has a happily-ever-after... So my silly prince n Princessron will be happily forever right? Our fairy tale shall never end! yay! haha...

now our lives are so much different from last time... but most important is we are both happy!

And I am glad my bf is you... I am lucky to have a guy who treasures friends as much as me treasure friends! n best of all, our friends are the same! haha...

Things are complicated with me... so sorry... but it's exciting right? hehe :p

Ok la... wanna sign off saying...

I love You, dear dear!


5:29 am