l0ve iS s0 c0mpLicAted... `sHar0n's dReamLand*

`sHar0n's dReamLand*

//+ princess.sHar0n +//
//+ 20.aUgUst.1985 +//
//+ le0 +//

Location: Kingdom of Ron, British Virgin Islands

I can eat like a pig... totally dun look like one... can sleep like a pig too... but gladfully still dun look like one... i loves company, loves excitement n fun, and likes to live a life as interesting as it can be... Nobody tells mi wat to do and i really hates people to nag at mi... loves to eat but cant cook for nuts... latest dream...to live in luxuary! I think the greatest thing in this world is to love and be love in return!

January 2005
February 2005
April 2005
May 2005
July 2005
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

To everyone who thought we will break up in a couple of months last time, well, eat your words! haha... Its been 3 yrs. Long time or not?

Seriously to me its like very long... and within this period of time I feel like i've changed alot... I have no ideaif its good or bad, but inside me I know I am different... maybe some parts are still the same, but somethings I feel now is different.

I think he must have changed too. Just that he don't normally show his emotions. I admire the way he can be so simple... take things in stride... with him there is no pressure...

I know he is a great guy... but why do I feel something is missing, or maybe different from last time... I wish he feels it too... and will talk to me about it... Maybe he feels it but he is just trying to change it using action instead of talking... I should appreciate it....

Mentally I am so stress up recently... Wanna have a shoulder to lean on... or a person to escape with me to another place... even if just for a while.

I don't wanna leave you behind dear... but I really scare that I am drifting further and further from you.... I need that kind of very close feeling that we once had....

We understand each other so much... and accept things about each other... so can we find the feeling back?

Really love and misses you....


2:31 pm